The first 120 days as CEO by Anderson Willinger

Top managers have become goods. Very expensive and luxurious goods. The more expensive and luxurious the goods managers are, the more value you expect from them.

The pressure on the results is such that almost no one gets a year or maybe a year and a half to understand the company, business, market. The life of a manager has decreased over the last five years from 4.5 to 3.6 years in a new managerial role. Everyone expects the results immediately.

An outside manager is expected to dazzle from day one. Managers promoted internally are given longer defence time. Unfortunately, it should be noted that 92% of managers – mainly due to internal regulations and confidentiality of information – cannot be prepared and they themselves do not pay enough attention to their own preparation for the new role.

Preparation for a new managerial role is generally underestimated on both sides – in organizations and in the managers themselves. Nevertheless, the activity and interest should come from the manager himself. He himself is not sufficiently aware that extinguishing the last fires in the previous company before taking on a new role and insufficient attention in the new position devoted primarily to relationships in the new company threatens distrust in his ability from superiors and superiors of his superiors and finally leads to blocking further career. growth even after several years.

Globally, it is proven that within the first 120 days, the manager should be able to secure his position inside and outside the organization, establish relationships and ties at virtually all levels, put together the most effective team and set a strategy to fulfil his assignment and a clear plan. “Deliver”.

Let’s take the example of Donald Trump: he is talked about more today than Barac Obama, although he will not make the promise until January, he took on his role on the day of signing, not on the day of taking office – and it communicates clearly!

The phenomenon described is fully expected and actively managed in the roles of CEOs, in the roles of the Board and below, often leaving room for “own proactivity” and thus to the often heard question: “Did we choose well?”

If the performance of the new manager appears above 65% after 3 months, the manager remains. For internal promotions, this applies after a period of one year, where it is often a challenge to teach the promoted manager that his results, if not well communicated, are no results.

The key areas that a manager should pay attention to in both cases – and he often knows about it, but do not:

  • Informal meetings with key people and subordinates in the company before taking up the role
  • Detailed preparation – analysis of the multinational market and direct competitors, including the SWOT of the current employer.
  • The first day of the work presents employees with the role and expectations and values, at all levels not only in the role of CEO.
  • Proactive building of relationships with headquarters and superiors (50% of this is a reason to replace CEOs within two years).
  • Delivery of the first results after 90 days – we do not mean a change in the organizational structure, which is the most common phenomenon of managers in a corporation, to often make a change in the eye… but did not meet even part of the actual assignment.

Companies with a focus on delivered results and the development of new markets or businesses, use comprehensive INTEGRATION MANAGEMENT for especially advanced managers in companies, which includes the support of “hard and soft” managerial skills. During the first year, integration management will help managers shorten the time to understand the business and the market, to build relationships and, above all, to deliver the result – they will follow clear instructions and will not waste time groping.

Integration management can also include intercultural counselling, which is worth the gold for the manager. Then it is not a problem for such an integrated manager to expand the company abroad very quickly, to list it on the stock exchange and to deliver the expected result in sum.

Article prepared by Lucie Teisler, Managing Partner of Anderson Willinger, executive search

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